China’s new implementing regulations on export control of dual-use items
Effective as from December 2024: Potential effects on European companies doing business in China
Online, 2,8 Stunden
Dieses Webinar ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der AWA AUSSENWIRTSCHAFTS-AKADEMIE.
Chinese Premier Li Qiang signed a decree of the State Council to unveil regulations on export control of dual-use items, which will take effect on December 1, 2024. The regulations consist of six chapters and 50 articles.
According to the Chinese State Council the rules are designed to “safeguard national security and interests, promote global cooperation on non-proliferation, and strengthen and standardize export controls on dual-use items.”
Among other things, the regulations contain detailed measures for the administration of licenses and control lists for export controls for dual-use goods, as well as some penalty and leniency provisions. Exporters of dual-use goods must disclose the end user and the intended use of the exported goods.
The measure comes as the United States has repeatedly accused Beijing of supporting Russia's war effort in Ukraine by supplying dual-use goods, including microelectronics, with elements useful for the manufacture of weapons.
Your benefits
After the webinar, you will have a good overview of the new regulations, policy considerations behind these regulations, the potential impact on the operations in China as well as headquarters and related companies outside China, as well as compliance measures.
Webinar topics
- Overview of the new Chinese dual-use items export control regulations
- Policy considerations behind these new regulations
- Implications and risks on Chinese and foreign entities
- Extra-territorial jurisdiction of the new regulations
- Relevance of dual-use regulations and counter sanctions
- Impact on international supply chain and trade
- Compliance measures
- Q&A
The webinar is aimed at experts from the fields of export control, sanctions, international trade, compliance, as well as company representatives and lawyers who would like to familiarise themselves with the new regulations.
The new Chinese regulations in the dual-use sector are important for all companies that import goods from China to Germany, re-export these goods as primary or end products or hold shares in Chinese companies that could be affected by the above-mentioned restrictions. Furthermore, all companies which are mindful about the risks of national security of China and the relevance of such risks to the export controls and sanctions (counter-measures) of China.
Matthias Merz
Matthias Merz ist als Jurist Experte für Exportkontrolle im Unternehmen, innerbetriebliche Compliance-Programme (ICP) auf dem Gebiet des Außenwirtschaftsrechts sowie Exportverfahren.
Als Geschäftsführer der HZA Hamburger Zollakademie und der AWA AUSSENWIRTSCHAFTS-AKADEMIE konzipiert und leitet er nationale und internationale Veranstaltungen zum Zoll-, Steuer- und Außenwirtschaftsrecht und hält weltweit Vorträge zu diesen Themen.
Seit Jahren hat sich Herr Merz auf das deutsche, europäische und das US-Exportkontrollrecht spezialisiert. Er ist zudem Chefredakteur der monatlich erscheinenden Fachzeitschrift „Der Zoll-Profi“ sowie Autor diverser Fachartikel zum Zoll- und Exportkontrollrecht in Fachzeitschriften und Kommentaren. In der AWB (AWB Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH und AWB Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH) in Münster begleitet und berät er als Gründungspartner Unternehmen zu zoll- und außenwirtschaftsrelevanten Themen.
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